Miu Sakamoto, who made her debut in 1997 as a singer under the name “Ryuichi Sakamoto feat. Sister M” and has been expanding her range of expression outside of music into writing, narration, and theater. She will join pianist Mamiko Hirai, who participated in the album “birds fly” released last year, and cellist Seigen Tokuzawa as guests for this live performance.

• Event Name: Miu Sakamoto 25th Anniversary “bird flyways” at Billboard Live
• Performing Artists: Miu Sakamoto、Mamiko Hirai, Seigen Tokuzawa
• Guest: Taeko Onuki (1st stage only)
• Dates: 2022/11/12(SAT)
15:30 OPEN, 16:30 START
• Venue: Billboard Live Tokyo
• Ticket Price:
Service area ¥8,400
Casual area ¥7,900 (1 drink included)
Food and drinks fees not included
• Notice
– This performance will be held using a seating layout for the prevention of new coronavirus infection, adjusted based on the guidelines for the prevention of the spread of new coronavirus announced by the government and various local governments.
– Please note that the availability of performances and performance times may be subject to change due to future social conditions, government policies, etc. Please check the store website and social media channels for the latest information.
– For more information on Billboard Live Tokyo’s measures against infectious diseases, please visit this site.
• Ticket Reservations
Club BBL members advanced reservations start: 2022/10/12(WED)noon12:00
General ticket reservations start: 2022/10/18(TUE)noon12:00
• For reservations
Tickets are available via website, phone, and other ticket vendors.
Please check here for details.
• For more information: Billboard Live Tokyo
TEL: 03-3405-1133