We have decided to reissue the album MIGNONNE, for which the last three encore pressings have sold out with reservations, on April 26, 2023. Cut by master Bernie Grundman, the SONY analog versions: 1st encore: 2018/5/23 2nd encore: 2022/8/6(Transparent clear disk) 3rd...
Reissue album “MIGNONNE”, which was released on August 6, 2022, the date of “CITY POP on VINYL” was quickly sold out with pre-orders. We have decided to do an encore release December 3, 2022, on “Record Day”. Cut by master Bernie...
August 6, 2022 – analog record event “CITY POP on VINYL” will be held for the 3rd time this year. On this day, Asano Paretto (朝のパレット) / Futarino Hoshio Sagasou (ふたりの星をさがそう), previously only available on streaming platforms, will be released as 7-inch...
As mentioned in the New Year’s greeting message, we have just released two new songs today, February 25, in standard and high-resolution format. Since the release of “One Fine Day” in 2005, Onuki Taeko has collaborated with Ryuichi Sakamoto and Ryota...
Taeko Onuki’s first Symphonic Concert in four years was held at Hitomi Memorial Auditorium in Tokyo on December 20, 2020. The video, CD and LP of the concert will be released as a complete box set. The concert was conducted and arranged by Akira Senju, with the...
The 2018 re-releases of albums “MIGNONNE” through to “Cahier” remastered by American mastering engineer Bernie Grundman were only available in analog and high-resolution. In addition to the 3 albums already newly re-released in SACD Hybrid...